BibSite is 205 resources in 13 languages, featuring 295 subject groups, with the help of 292 contributors.
- Booksellers and bookselling
- Council of Constance (1414-1418 : Konstanz, Germany)
- Library materials--Digitization, Latin America--Intellectual life, Spanish Americans (Latin America)--Books and reading--History, Settler colonialism, Book collecting
BibSite is an open-access platform for scholars, teachers, researchers, and students of bibliography in the broadest sense of the term. A project of the Bibliographical Society of America (BSA), BibSite is a hosting and discovery tool providing access to accumulated published and unpublished bibliographical videos, slide decks, conference papers, syllabi, and datasets from across the world wide web. Managed by the BibSite Editorial Group, BibSite's crowdsourced contributions and their metadata bring together siloed resources for the study and teaching of bibliography. + Read More
![<em>The Royal primer, or, An easy and p[l]easant guide to the art of reading : Authorized by His Majesty King George II.</em>, 1770. Princeton University Library.](

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