Using the Archaeology of Reading in the On-Line Classroom for Student Learning and Research

This 56-minute webinar provides an introduction to the Archaeology of Reading (AOR – database intended for anyone – experts and non-experts – wishing to learn how it can be customized for on-line teaching and directed research at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including: –Introduction to faceted search functionalities and AOR structured data, and maximizing these tools for learning and discovery. –Overview of the subject areas represented by the AOR corpus. –Tips for using the AOR export function to preserve unique research sequences –Connecting directed research to allied external digital resources (EEBO TCP, etc.). The webinar was be led by BSA members and friends involved in the AOR project since its inception: Earle Havens, Project PI (Johns Hopkins University) Jaap Geararts (Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz) Matthew Symonds, Project Co-PI (Centre for Editing Lives & Letters, University College London) Neil Weijer (University of Florida, Gainesville)
Earle Havens (created by)
Jaap Geararts (created by)
Matthew Symonds (created by)
Neil Weijer (created by)
Bibliographical Society of America (published by)
Havens, Earle, Jaap Geararts, Matthew Symonds, and Neil Weijer. "Using the Archaeology of Reading in the On-Line Classroom for Student Learning and Research." March 23, 2020. Virtual Lecture. MP4, 56:47.
Bibliography and Technologies: 2020 BSA Annual Meeting Panel Presentation
Michael Whitmore, Lisa Fagin Davis, Earle Havens, E. Haven Hawley, Bibliographical Society of America
Ask the Archaeologists: Using the Archaeology of Reading in the Online Classroom
Bibliographical Society of America, Earle Havens, Jaap Geararts, Matthew Symonds, Neil Weijer