Introduction to the Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts (SDBM)

May 19 2020
Always wanted to know how to use Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts (SDBM) but were afraid to ask? This webinar introduces you to the database and explains how you can help us the most: by contributing location information when you know where a manuscript is now. We explain the SDBM’s data model, show you how to navigate the interface, and demonstrate how you can create data yourself. This webinar was recorded on May 19, 2020 with a live audience and includes their questions at the end. The SDBM aggregates observations of pre-modern manuscripts from historical and contemporary sources that document the sales and locations of these books from around the world. Entries in the SDBM assist researchers in locating and identifying particular manuscripts, establishing provenance, and collecting descriptive information about specific classes or types of manuscripts. SDBM user accounts are free and open to all, allowing users to contribute to the database’s development by adding and linking entries, creating name and place authority files, and collaborating with other users on shared research interests. Our user community includes scholars, librarians, booksellers, students, collectors, and others who care about manuscripts and want to contribute to our shared knowledge of their histories. This session was not hosted or sponsored by the Bibliographical Society of America, and we are pleased to share it with the public on our channel. This video recording has edited subtitles in English.
Emma Thomson (created by)
Bibliographical Society of America (published by)
Thompson, Emma. "Introduction to the Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts (SDBM)." May19, 2020. Lecture delivered virtually on Zoom. MP4, 53:57.