The Book in Movement: Experimentation & Craft in Autonomous Publishing Networks in Latin America
Over the past two decades, Latin America has seen an explosion of experiments with autonomy, as people across the continent express their refusal to be absorbed by the logic and order of neoliberalism. The autonomous movements of the twenty-first century are marked by an unprecedented degree of interconnection, through their use of digital tools and their insistence on the importance of producing knowledge about their practices through strategies of self-representation and grassroots theorization. The Book in Movement (University of Pittsburgh Press 2019) explores the reinvention of a specific form of media: the print book. Magalí Rabasa travels through the political and literary underground of cities in Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile to explore the ways that autonomous politics are enacted in the production and circulation of books. Magalí Rabasa is an assistant professor of Hispanic Studies in the Department of World Languages & Literatures at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, USA. She received her PhD in Cultural Studies with an emphasis in Feminist Theory and Research from the University of California, Davis in 2014. Her research explores alternative media networks and autonomous politics in the Americas, with a focus on Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, and the United States. She has published articles and commentary in the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Anthropology Today, Tabula Rasa, La Jornada, Rebelión, and Herramienta. She is a contributor to Modern Mexican Culture (University of Arizona Press, 2017) and the Routledge History of Latin American Culture (Routledge, 2018). Her first book, The Book in Movement: Autonomous Politics and the Lettered City Underground, was published in 2019 by the University of Pittsburgh Press, and is forthcoming in Spanish with Tinta Limón/Tren en Movimiento Ediciones (Argentina).
Magalí Rabasa (created by)
Bibliographical Society of America (published by)
Bibliographical Society of America (published by)
Rabasa, Magalí. "The Book in Movement: Experimentation & Craft in Autonomous Publishing Networks in Latin America." November 11, 2020. Lecture delivered online by Zoom. MP4, 54:04.