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Chronological Coverage

Consulting Medieval Manuscripts Online

Robert Peckham
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Manuscripts, Latin, Manuscripts

SHARP in the Classroom

SHARP, Sarah Werner, Rebecca Baumann, Matthew Kirschenbaum
Education, Rare books

Indiana University Book Lab

Elizabeth Hebbard, Patricia Ingham
Ink, Book design--History, Education

The Peripheral Manuscripts Project

Elizabeth Hebbard, Ian Cornelius, Michelle Dalmau, Sarah Noonan
Manuscripts, Manuscript fragments

Navigating Copyright for Libraries

Jessica Coates, Victoria Owen, Susan Reilly

Video - CHF Workshop: Reparative Description in Action

Rare Book School
Archival materials

British Armorial Bindings database

John Morris
Book collectors, Book collecting, Heraldry--Great Britain, Bookbinding

Video - Item Not Found Conference: Keynote #1 : Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty

William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
Research, Archival institutes and workshops, Archives, Libraries--Special collections--Rare books

Video -- SoFCB Symposium: Preserving and Analyzing Digital Texts

Rare Book School, Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography , Emily Maemura, Ryan Cordell, Benjamin Charles Germain Lee
Preservation, Libraries--Special collections--Rare books, Archives, Conservation

Explore Common Sense: The Digital British Edition

Great Britain--History--George III, 1760-1820

ArchBook: Architectures of the Book

Books--History, Reading

The Drawing Book Project

Drawing, British, Drawing--Study and teaching, Art


Bookbinding, Medieval, Bookbinding, Renaissance, Leather bindings (Bookbinding)

Typenrepertorium der Wiegendrucke

Type and type-founding, Incunabula

Book Owners Online

David Pearson
Book collectors, Private libraries--England--Catalogs

Descriptive Bibliography of Edmond Hoyle

Whist, Games, Bibliography

English Broadside Ballad Archive

Broadsides, Libraries--Special collections--Broadsides, Broadsides--17th century, Ballads, English

Modernist Archives Publishing Project

Archives--United States, Publishers and publishing, Authors and publishers

Graphics Atlas

Photography, Images, Photographic, Electrophotography, Offset printing, Printing

Language of Bindings Thesaurus

Nicholas Pickwoad

Book of Mormon Census Project

Book of Mormon, Latter Day Saints, Books--History


Bibliography, Criticism, Textual, Transmission of texts, Editing, Mobile apps, Software

Books as Symbols in Renaissance Art

Nicholas Herman, Barbara Williams Ellertson, Douglas Emery, Janet K. Seiz, Andrea Zietlow
Bookbinding, Art, Renaissance, Books in art

Hue’s Clues: Understanding Book History through Paper Color Analysis

Laura DeLuca
Colors--Analysis, Paper, Rare books

Does your book need repair? Identifying Common Damage & Repair Options

J Hughes, Don Taylor
Books--Conservation and restoration, Bookbinding--Repairing

Attack of the Collational Formula

John Henry Adams
Rare books, Cataloging of rare books, Bookbinding

Catalogue of English Literary Manuscripts 1450-1700

Manuscripts, English, Literature

Fashion Calendar Research Database

Fashion, Fashion and mass media, Fashion editors, Periodicals

Preservation Self-Assessment Program

Library materials--Conservation and restoration, Library materials--Collection and preservation--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
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