Lesson Plan: Bibliography as Network Analysis: New Approaches to Enumerative Bibliography

Workshop Description: The workshop is about learning different bibliographic methods that allow us to unpack or record different bibliographic communities that made newspapers, pamphlets, and introduces bibliographic approaches to U.S. newspapers, newsletters, and pamphlets (with a focus on newspapers) to show how analysis of references to other publications, in combination with analysis of physical formats and printing technologies, can help reveal how access to the press enabled minority communities to engage in public conversations that strengthened their social presence and authority.
Derrick Spires (created by)
Jackie Goldsby (created by)
E. Haven Hawley (created by)
Kyle Triplett (created by)
Jeanne-Marie Musto (created by)
Spires, Derrick, Jackie Goldsby, E. Haven Hawley, Kyle Triplett, and Jeanne-Marie Musto. "Bibliography as Network Analysis: New Approaches to Enumerative Bibliography." Lesson Plan. n.d. 
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Introduction to Bibliography: Stories that Objects Tell Us/Stories We Tell About Objects
Gina Marie Hurley, Barbara Shailor, Meredith McGill, Michael Winship, Brian Cassidy, Heather Wolfe, Bibliographical Society of America
Introduction to Bibliography: Stories that Objects Tell Us/Stories We Tell About Objects